Hi, I’m Collin.
Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and Fractional Executive building businesses with people, for people, and all by myself.
What am I up to?
Building with People
Building a business with friends is my favorite way to build. You win together, fail together, and learn a whole lot along the way. I try to work with people who are different than me and see things in a unique way. The more perspectives and experiences that your company is built on, the more successful it will be!
Building for People
Helping companies scale & operate efficiently is a blast. I see business owners all over the place struggle to reach their customers or execute on the strategies that they have been planning for 5 years. This is where I come in! I always start conversations with these owners by asking, “If you could copy yourself, what would you work on and where should we start?”
Building for Myself
The only businesses I work on are the ones that are simple and provide tremendous value to their customers.
“The cowards never started and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, Ladies and Gentlemen. Us.” — Phil Knight
Where you’ll find me.
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